Wisdom... earned and learned.
Wisdom... sought at all ages of life through experiences we choose and impacts that occur without warning. Regardless, wisdom must be...

Seeds sown will push forth in their own time...
Patience...Persistence...Perseverance... The seeds living... Most Bloom and grow without any assistance from us. Vibrant colors add joy...

Catch me while you can!
"Catch me while you can!" my brain often teases. The older I get the less I remember... Incredible save the world concepts pop into my...

"Discipline creates lifestyle." Peter Voogd We are Becoming ♡ Be gentle with yourself but also Be persistent, particularly when faced...

Cheers to Chocolate
Conversations from behind the hydraulic chair... While clients are processing I offer coffee, tea, or water in addition to a sweet treat...

Like it or not change is part of the package. Some changes we choose, others happen... Some changes are simple while others steal our...

Springtime.. an amazing time when green grass returns in patches clumps and bulbs press from the slumbering Earth to say "Hello, I'm...

Act, Dream, Believe...
"To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream: not only plan, but also believe." Anatole France What are you dreaming...

I'm Becoming, roots and all.
I love my fun sign made for me by a dear friend, Kristen! (Of course it's displayed in the salon where roots apply to regrowth and hair...

Every Day Do Something that Scares You...NOPE
A friend offered me an encouragement this week. "Every day do something that scares you." Scares? I’d rather not. When we’re young,...