Womanhood's a Weedy Garden
Women are nurturers, we Soothe,Tend, Grow...
Societies demands on women are tremendous.

It’s implied if we’re not haggard and run down while powering on to achieve and plan for more, We Aren’t Succeeding.
We’ve burdened ourselves with unreasonable expectations putting our once lush, moist, supple, loaded with goodness and possibility soil of womanhood at risk.
The dirt cradling our roots has become depleted, worn out, broken open... Poisoned by excessive "Doing."
What type of soil l are you sitting in? What’s surrounding your roots? What are you adding? What are you in need of?
I asked my friend and Garden Goddess, Candi, what makes soil good?
She said two things... Nutrients and Proper Drainage.
The balance of nutrients is unique to each individual set of roots.
Seek fertilizer that is right for you.
Often when our nutrients are out of balance we see others enjoying, thriving, and succeeding...easily, or so it may appear.
When someone is losing weight; we say "you look good, what are you doing?" We see a healthy relationship..."you’re so lucky, what are you doing?
We want the beautiful Weed Free garden of vibrant color and thriving blooms. We see the surface...we don’t pull back the foliage of busy to see the weeds beneath or between the stems...they’re there you know.
Discipline and work, Decision and effort...a gorgeous garden doesn’t happen by accident.
It’s not a perfect garden without a few dozen weeds.
If you’ve lived at all ~not even a long time ~the words and actions of others, society, our work environment, and even our families with effect vital parts of your womanhood.
We may wither and wilt, become fractured and broken, or so overcome by excess sun, water, frost that going under and becoming small may feel like the only answer.
We’re taught to hold it in, endure, and give more when we just want to cry out ENOUGH resulting in our roots swimming in stagnate water.
TRUTH: If we wore our brokenness on the outside No one would ever dare to ask us to give more.
This is where the drainage comes in.
I can’t thank Candi enough for sharing this simple word.
Releasing the heaviness of life experience allows us to move fully into our most fertile, joyful, growing season.
For me, Releasing is about Forgiveness and Acceptance, Flexibility and Balance, and the abundant Joy of Possibility~ Whoop!
Each of us is tending a Complex Garden of Womanhood.
My two favorite flowers Daffodils and Bleeding Heart both begin from a bulb.
Both...Disappear after the bloom of youth falls away to rest while summertime annuals appear like celebrities on a red carpet.
Meanwhile... forgotten about during the miracle of green, hearty mums join the party then pop open with robust laugh and see us through the frosts of fall.
But all the while.... beneath the soil.... the bulb rests...
Women also, following the pageantry of youth, lose our radiance.
Blossoms fade, petals fall, and weary stems wilt and like the resting bulbs of spring go under willingly, and stay under in the quiet to seek...
Women resting below the surface of a busy life.
Today I invite you to Replenish and Renew to your slumbering self.
I often encourage~ “Ask the girl you used to be” what nuggets of happiness she’s guarding below the soil. But now recognize the woman in this moment wants different things.
Today I encourage~ “Ask the woman you are in this moment.” What nuggets are beckoning for your attention?
Are you feeding your soil proper nutrients? Do you dare unclog the drainage hole and release the cesspool surrounding your tender roots?
It’s time... turn your focus to your Garden of Womanhood and get excited to foster the GARDEN OF YOUR LIFE.
Cultivate...allow your hands to feel the soil.Notice and release anything crowding your roots.
Allow pooled hurt and disappointment to drain away make room for the nutrients of love, healing, and growth.
Nurture your roots, Love on your soul Nuggets, Grow and Stretch for the sun.
Show your uniqueness. Bud, soft and subtle... Bloom, bold and crazy...
Add your color to the weedy ever growing garden on the world.
We need to see you, hear you, and be impacted by what only you have to offer.
Love BIG on the things you want to grow. Offer rays of warming sunshine, sprinkle, shower, and soak with water and at times KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF.
Possibilities are My Favorite!
Chat Soon ~Laura
* Continue the conversation~Comment below or email - laurarudacille@gmail.com
*Please pass this post on to your friends! Connecting through common experience expands our "Me Too's" We're in it together and we're all in the process of Becoming.
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