Laura Rudacille ~ In Good Company

Laura Rudacille's Awakening Goddess Retreats encourage women through every season of life.
Inspiration for Women of All Ages
In Good Company promotes growth-through-sharing, combining introspective presentation with enrichment activities to support a woman’s expedition to her most fulfilling life.
And make no mistake, it is an expedition. We need proper gear and survival skills!
“Are girls your age really that messed up?” my 80-year-old friend Rose asked.
“Yes,” I answered with little hesitation. “Yes, we are.”
Resilient strength, generous kindness
I approached my 40th year of living with a white-knuckled grip questioning every decision my ripening self had made. I envisioned midlife as a Thelma and Louise style cross-country jaunt packed with reckless decisions resulting in a perilous plummet into the Grand Canyon.
Women – busy, overextended experts, doing everything for everyone apart from themselves. Sound familiar?
Working as a hairstylist/salon owner in York, Pa., for more than two decades women of varied ages have shared their lives with me.
While seated in my hydraulic chair truthfulness processed along with color and highlights. I listened to tales of resilient strength, generous kindness, and enduring courage.
Their stunning candor surpassed the beauty of freshly styled tresses and what beamed back from their mirrored reflection reassured me:
I was not alone.
Reinventing yourself
“When women share a moment of quiet kindness they create a safe place where the magic happens. Passing on our experiences to another offers a hand before it’s asked for, before it’s needed.”
— from Happiness is a Decision Not a Destination
Women are navigating their way through relationships, education, careers, love lives, and child rearing. They’re reinventing themselves by choice or casualty.
They are enduring, triumphant, warriors. They are powerful.
“BE whatever you need to BE in this Moment. BE quick about it, in a Hot Flash you’ll want or need to BE something different!”
— from Happiness is a Decision Not a Destination
When I wrote my fiction novel, Invisible Woman, I created the retreat I wanted to attend. A haven where women could plug into the gift I discovered and embrace growth-through-sharing. My dream beyond the pages? To breathe life into women through connection and cultivate a community of women standing firm on the common ground we share.
“Settle your feet on the floor and be intentionally aware of the possibility in the minutes ahead. Possibilities are my favorite!”
— from Gratitude from the Ground Up
There’s a prize waiting at 60, at 70 and
I don’t want to rush, but I’d like to arrive intact.
Thanks to the women around me, I’m encouraged to endure the process.
The Heart of a Woman is Like a pot of simmering stock ~ flavors introduced on purpose or by mistake. Infinitely varied ingredients set to swim and soak and steep over time. An experiment which can never duplicated exactly.
A foundation for greatness and yet is just the base for more.
A Well Seasoned Woman is a woman with an enhanced fundamental nature.
She is Multifaceted and Intricate in composition.
Her interests and essence are fused into her character.
She is the only one of her kind.
Have you been to a Laura Rudacille ~In Good Company event? Please share your experience below.
Laura’s definition of retreat:
“Slow down and savor.” Take an intentional pause … a moment to BE present right here, right now. Don’t hurry to what’s next or look so far ahead you miss the beauty in front of you.
Who should attend an In Good Company Retreat?
Women of all ages seeking rejuvenation and connection.
What happens at a retreat?
Women enjoy fellowship, listen to speakers and participate in activities to bolster Gratitude-Happiness-Healing-Forgiveness-Joy-Compassion.
Do attendees have to speak?
No! How you participate is up to you.
While sharing is key, listening is vital.
Where and when are retreats happening?
Laura Rudacille's Retreats are offered in York, Lancaster and Adams counties, Pennsylvania. Sign up for email alerts as to when the next retreat near you will take place.
May I suggest topics for discussion?
Certainly? The mission is to connect On Purpose with Purpose. What are you celebrating? Worrying over? What hurdles are you ready to face? ME TOO!
How can I begin to Connect-Grow-Share?
Meet Laura on Facebook. Join the Hen House for daily enrichment and Conversation over the Cup Sunday Evenings LIVE @ 7:45
Email me! I'm excited to share with you.

More about the retreats
Interested in attending? Sign up for updates about the latest topics and locations of the women's retreats.

We grow when we share time. Learning from one another through connection and common experience.

Meet me in the Hen House for Conversation over the Cup
Sunday evenings at 7:45 PM
#1 visit Facebook, #2 JOIN the Hen House, #3 tune in Sunday night!